Hounslow Highways: regenerating town centres
Posted on: July 11, 2019 at 3:51 pmHounslow Highways, working on behalf of Hounslow Council, has started the second phase of works to regenerate Hounslow’s High Street.
Improvements, being carried out between the junctions with Douglas Road and Laurence Road, will enable a raft of upgrades to the popular town centre and is part of a £2.6m investment in the area.
Works taking place include resurfacing the road and paved pedestrian areas, widening footways, lowering kerbs and reducing street clutter. A cycle lane will also be installed, as well as new street furniture such as seating and planting, together with new lighting.
Councillor Amrit Mann, deputy leader of Hounslow Council, said: “The regeneration of the High Street is part of our commitment to improve our roads and pavements. More than 20,000 people use Hounslow town centre every day; we want it to attract even more shoppers and businesses to the area. The improvements we have already seen have made the High Street look better, feel safer and more welcoming. And there’s more to come, with work to improve to Feltham town centre due to start next year.”
The first phase of work in the town centre included creating an outdoor performance area in Bell Square. The large square with seating and standing space hosts free, fortnightly performances on Saturdays. An events pavilion will also be built close by next year.
Rob Gillespie, Hounslow Highways Service Director, added: “We are delighted to not only be instrumental in regenerating the High Street, but also in regenerating the street scene across the entire borough. We’re really proud of the work we’ve done so far to enhance the High Street. Working in partnership with the council, we are sure it will not only become a destination shopping area living in the borough, but also for those from further afield.”
This second phase of work is expected to be completed by November this year.
Hounslow Highways will also be embarking on a similar project in Feltham town centre next year.