Temporary structures
A temporary structure licence is required to place some materials on or over the Public Highway.
These include:
- Scaffolding
- Hoarding
- Building material
- Crane/Crane Over sail
A contractor wishing to carry out activities on the highway must have current Public Liability Insurance of at least £5 million.
Applying for a temporary structure licence
To apply for a temporary structure licence, please complete the Highways Activities application form. Once completed return to the Street Works department at streetworks@hounslowhighways.org. Application forms submitted without a copy of their current and valid Public Liability certificate (not Employers) of least £5M will not be processed.
Costs and processing
Licence applications are processed within five business days, although a larger or more complex proposal will take longer as there are additional public safety aspects to take into account. This needs to be considered when planning the lead in time for the installation of the structure on site. Applications will not be processed unless all the necessary documentation is supplied.
Certain activities may require a temporary road or footway closure. For further information contact the Traffic department at London Borough of Hounslow via e-mail trafficorders@hounslow.gov.uk.
If a temporary structure has been erected on the Public Highway without approval, it will be considered an illegal obstruction and the issuing Authority will require its immediate removal. A Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) will be issued and in certain circumstances legal proceedings may undertaken.
All scaffolding placed on the Public Highway in Hounslow requires a temporary structure licence which must be obtained before erecting the structure. To ensure compliance with permit conditions, applications will only be accepted from scaffolding contractors. Building contractors, businesses and residents cannot apply.
The licencee [the scaffolding company] is entirely responsible for the scaffolding and must adhere to the Terms and Conditions and to the individual licence issued. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in enforcement action, including FPNs and/or prosecution. If any requirements of the licence are not complied with, the issuing Authority may take such measures as necessary to mark, guard, light or remove the scaffold, clean and repair the highway and the licencee shall be liable for the costs incurred in such measures.
A scaffolding licence will be granted providing the regulations are adhered to.
Download an application form to erect scaffolding on the Public Highway at the bottom of this webpage.
All hoarding placed on the Public Highway in Hounslow requires a temporary structure licence which must be obtained before erecting the structure. If a hoarding has been erected on the Public Highway without approval, it will be considered an illegal obstruction and the issuing Authority will require its immediate removal.
The licencee is entirely responsible for the hoarding and must adhere to the Terms and Conditions as well as to the individual licence issued. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in legal proceedings, including FPNs and/or prosecution. If any requirements of the licence are not complied with, the issuing Authority may take such measures as necessary to mark, guard, light or remove the hoarding, clean and repair the highway and the licencee shall be liable for the costs incurred in such measures.
Enforcement officers patrol the streets of the borough on a regular basis to make sure that all hoardings are legitimately sited, adhering to the Terms and Conditions set out in the licence, and promptly removed following their permit expiry.
The hoarding and conveyor shall be erected and dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines and compliance with the relevant safety legislation and standards. There shall be compliance with the HSE [Health and Safety Executive] conditions and guidance notes, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Highways Act 1980.
A hoarding licence will be granted providing all regulations are adhered to.
Download an application form to erect hoarding at the bottom of this webpage.
Building Materials
Placement of building materials on any part of the highway in the London Borough of Hounslow requires a licence. The materials, in total, must be no longer than five metres and no wider than two metres. If the building materials are on a parking bay, the parking bay must be suspended.
Parking bay suspension can be applied by following the below link:
Parking suspension must be sought prior to the placement of materials on the highway and this must be accompanied with the Highway Activities application form when submitted.
Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions may result in legal proceedings, including FPNs and/or prosecution. If any requirements of the licence are not complied with, the issuing Authority may take such measures as necessary to mark, guard, light or remove the building materials, clean and repair the highway and the licencee shall be liable for the costs incurred in such measures.
Enforcement officers patrol the streets of the borough on a regular basis to make sure that all building materials are legitimately sited, adhering to the Terms and Conditions set out in the licence, and promptly removed following their permit expiry.
A building materials licence will be granted providing all regulations are adhered to.
Download an application form to place building materials on the Public Highway at the bottom of this webpage.
Crane Operators Permit
To use a crane on the Public Highway a crane licence must be applied for. To ensure compliance with permit conditions, applications will only be accepted from crane operators. Building contractors, businesses and residents cannot apply.
The following has to be submitted (if applicable) along with the completed Highways Activities application form:
- A copy of public liability insurance
- Method statement
- Traffic and/or pedestrian management plan
- Proof of parking bay suspension
- Approved traffic order
Process of an application will take approximately 6-8 weeks if a crane licence requires a road/footway closure, and 14 days for parking bay suspension.
To apply for a road and/or footway closure please contact the Traffic department at the London Borough of Hounslow via e-mail at trafficorders@hounslow.gov.uk
Parking bay suspension can be applied by following the below link:
A crane operators permit will be granted providing all regulations are adhered to.
Download an application form for a crane permit at the bottom of this webpage.
Crane Over sail application form available on request, please email streetworks@hounslowhighways.org
Report dangerous or illegal structures at https://fms.hounslowhighways.org
Contact us
Telephone: 0208 538 5672
Office hours: Mon – Fri 9am-4pm