Our commitment to you

Hounslow Highways is committed to providing our services efficiently and effectively.

Below is a list of our main services and requests we receive from members of the public and the timeframes in which we aim to deal with them.


Inspect within 2 working days

Rectify (depending upon severity) between 1 hour (emergency) and 28 days of becoming aware of the exact location. Certain rectification works may take upto 56 days if traffic management is required to carry out the works.

If the pothole does not need repairing, we will maintain an inspection regime to ensure the pothole does not become dangerous.


We will remove illegally dumped waste within 24 hours, provided we are responsible for the area it is located in and we have sufficient information to identify the location.

Street cleansing

If you report that your street needs to be cleaned, we will inspect within one working day to assess it.

If the level of litter is below the required standard, we will clean the road within 24 hours of the inspection.

If the level of litter is satisfactory, the road will remain on its routine cleanse.


Once we become aware of graffiti within areas of our responsibility, we will remove it within seven days (if it is non-offensive) or 24 hours (if it is offensive).

Domestic / Household waste

If you have any queries about domestic waste collection or concerns about spillages from domestic waste collection, please contact the Waste & Recycling department at the London Borough of Hounslow.


If you help us identify offenders of illegal activity with regard to fly-tipping and/or damage to roads and pavements, we will enforce against them with all means at our disposal.

Street light not working 

If you report a street light not working, we will fix it within five days (if it is the older style of street light).

If it is one of the new LED street lights, these timeframes vary depending on the reason for the street light not working, however we aim to fix it as soon as possible.

Lights on during the day

The new LED street lights will ‘day burn’ until they come under control of the Central Management System (CMS). This can vary between days and weeks but is a normal part of the commissioning process. For more street lighting FAQs, click here

Crossover applications

Once we receive your crossover application, we will check it has been completed correctly and an engineer will assess the site within 10 working days. The engineer will then provide a quote for the cost of the crossover and this quote is valid for 3 months. For more information on crossovers, please click here

Skip permits and highways activities licences

Once we receive your request for a skip permit or activities licence, we will issue them within 48 hours.

Notification of works

  • Road surfacing schemes – letter drops to residents and businesses 4 weeks prior to works
  • Pavement schemes – conservation areas – letter drops to residents and businesses 14 weeks and 6 weeks prior to works
  • Pavement schemes – non-conservation areas – letter drops to residents and businesses 6 weeks prior to works
  • Street lighting – leaflets are issued quarterly to all affected households that will receive new street lights within the next four months
  • Street lighting – heritage areas – design of street lights still to be agreed with the council. Possible letter drops 6 weeks prior to works


The borough’s circa 12,000 council-owned trees are on a three-year cyclical inspection regime. Following inspection, the appropriate maintenance to the tree will be programmed to ensure the tree is safe and is not adversely affecting the surrounding area.


If you have any queries about parking, please contact the London Borough of Hounslow’s Parking department.


If you have any queries about traffic calming, please contact the London Borough of Hounslow’s Traffic team.

White Bar Markings

We will respond to you with the status of your application within 10 working days of receiving it. For any payment enquiries, please contact the London Borough of Hounslow’s Traffic Team. For further information, please go here.

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