Hounslow Highways, the appointed highways service provider, is responsible for improving and maintaining the borough’s entire street scene assets fence-to-fence for 25 years. Hounslow Highways is investing £100 million in the borough’s roads, footpaths, street lights and street cleansing; this is the Core Investment Programme (CIP). The focus on the roads is to make them smoother, safer and longer lasting. Read more….
The appearance and cleanliness of Hounslow’s streets is one of the most important parts of the new Hounslow Highways service. We want Hounslow to be a borough where businesses choose to operate from and where people want to live, visit and relax. Our surroundings are very important and the Hounslow Highways service is geared towards making this much better through our street cleansing service. Read more…
Hounslow Highways, the appointed highways service provider, is responsible for improving and maintaining the borough’s entire street scene assets fence-to-fence for 25 years. Hounslow Highways is investing £100 million in the borough’s roads, footpaths, street lights and street cleansing; this is the Core Investment Programme (CIP). The focus on the footpaths is to make walking safer and more enjoyable for all. Read more….
The current street lighting across the borough is in variable condition and many lights need to be replaced. As part of the new highways service, we have an opportunity to invest in providing more efficient lights and columns. This investment will provide immediate benefits to the look and feel of the streets. It also allows us to direct light where it is most needed to help reduce traffic incidents, crime and the fear of crime, improving safety for all. Read more….
Surface Dressing is the most cost effective road surface treatment. It extends the life of the road surface, increases skid resistance and seals the surface to stop water seepage, protecting it from damage caused by severe winter weather, such as potholes. Read more….
There are over 60,000 trees in the London Borough of Hounslow of which 11,300 are street trees on the roadside, maintained by Hounslow Highways. Hounslow Highways is responsible for street cleansing across the borough, including clearing debris from trees and bushes that falls on the roads and pavements.