Gum group clamps down on littering
Posted on: July 11, 2019 at 4:24 pmFollowing a 44% reduction in gum litter last year, Hounslow Highways has joined the Chewing Gum Action Group (CGAC) and Keep Britain Tidy (KBT) for the second year running to reduce gum litter across Hounslow.
Banners have been erected in areas of high footfall across the borough, targeting streets where gum littering is prevalent.
The campaign builds on the key messages delivered in 2015, with enforcement officers issuing on the spot fines to those caught littering gum and providing businesses with gum wrappers to distribute to any customers that purchase gum.
Gum counts in all areas were conducted prior to the launch of the campaign on the 1st September. They will also be carried out immediately after the campaign and one month following the end date to help measure the campaign’s impact.
More information about the campaign and their work across the country can be found here.