
Crossovers provide access for vehicles from the public highway to an approved off-street parking area (i.e. a driveway).

Crossovers are strengthened sections of the public footpath that allow vehicles to safely mount the kerb and traverse the pavement without causing damage to the surface, subsurface and/or any utility services that may be underneath.

How do I apply for a dropped kerb or vehicle crossover?

Please download the application form at the bottom of this page and complete Parts A-E. Your application form will be returned to you if there is missing information.

Please note before applying, you may be required to obtain Planning Permission if any of the following criteria apply:

  • The property is not a single family home i.e. a flat or a maisonette
  • The proposed crossover location is on a classified road
  • The proposed crossover location is in either the Gunnersbury Park or Bedford Park Conservation Area
  • The property is a listed building
  • The property is separated from the pavement and/or road by privately owned land
  • The property’s hardstanding (where vehicle will park) exceeds 5m2 in area and does not meet the government drainage requirements
  • The property is in a conservation area and constructing the crossover would involve the removal of a gate, fence, wall or any railings over 1m high next to the road or pavement

A list of classified roads and conservation areas can be found in the appendices on the form and a map of conservation areas can be found here. To apply for planning permission, please visit Hounslow Council’s Planning Application Forms webpage here.

If the property you are applying for is on a Hounslow Housing maintained estate, you will need to submit a letter from the estate manager confirming that they do not object to the construction of the crossover.

Please note that following a change to Hounslow Council’s crossover policy in November 2016, the measurements for hardstandings (where your vehicle will park) have changed. Please check the application form carefully and ensure you have the minimum requirements before submitting your application.

In addition, all new properties are required to have a 1.2m clear wide path between the front door and the pavement as well as a boundary wall at the property frontage on either side of the crossover, which should not exceed 600mm in height.

Please ensure all compulsory sections of the form are filled in or we will be unable to process your application. Please note in Part D if you are sending attachments with the form i.e. estate manager approval letter, planning permission letter, to list these in the box provided.

How do I send my form?

To ensure we receive your form as quickly as possible, we recommend you submit the form online via our Contact page. Please pin the location of the property you are applying for to the map in question and provide the address in additional location details. Please then select Crossover Application in the subject field in ‘Step 1 – What are you reporting’ and attach the form and any other relevant documentation in ‘Step 2 – Additional information’. Please remember to make a note of the reference number you receive at the end of the final step. If you are unable to attach online please forward the application form and the supporting documents with the reference number, to

Alternatively you can send your application form by post to Crossovers, Hounslow Highways, Jubilee House, Depot Road, Hounslow, TW3 1SN. Please allow a minimum of 5 working days for us to receive your application and ensure you use the correct postage. If we receive a card from the Royal Mail with insufficient postage, the Royal Mail keep underpaid items for 18 calendar days before returning to sender.

What happens once I have submitted my application?

Hounslow Highways will contact you once your completed application has been received to take your £114.22 application fee, which is only payable by debit or credit card.

When we receive your payment, we’ll send out an engineer to carry out a site inspection, usually within 10 working days.

Once this has happened, we will either:

  • Send you a letter regarding works that need to be carried out to your hardstanding
  • Send you an approval letter with a cost estimate and an agreement form for you to sign
  • Send you a refusal letter detailing why your application was refused

If you are required to carry out works to your hardstanding, we will revisit site once again to ensure these works have been completed (we may as an alternative ask you to provide photographic evidence to satisfy this requirement).

How much will my crossover cost?

A dropped kerb is priced on the type of materials used and the area that needs to be constructed. The area depends on the depth of pavement and the size of crossover opening.

The current £114.22 application fee is neither refundable nor deductible. It is a one-off fee that covers the cost of an engineer attending site, putting together the estimate and processing the paperwork.

You may also have to pay for the costs of moving anything that may be blocking your new access, including:

  • Lamp posts
  • Gas, electricity or water boxes
  • Parking bays or restrictions

Certain actions that are undertaken as part of some crossover applications do have set fees and these are listed in the FAQs on the application form.

Where can I make further queries about my application?

The new application form has been designed to provide as much information as possible to applicants. We encourage all applicants to carefully read the guidance notes and FAQs before contacting us with a query.

If you have a question that the form does not answer, please submit an enquiry online and an officer will contact you. Hounslow Highways also holds pre- booked crossover advice surgeries, every Wednesday between 10.00 am – 1.00pm.  Please email to request an appointment for the surgery. The surgery address is Hounslow Highways, Jubilee House, Depot Road, Hounslow,TW3 1SN.

Please add the detail of what you wish to discuss in your email as we may be able to resolve your query without the need for an appointment.

Residents driving over footpath without a dropped kerb

If someone on your street is driving over a footpath where there is no dropped kerb, or has installed a dropped kerb without permission, please report this to us. We will send out an inspector to investigate and contact the resident where they will have one of the following options:

  • Apply for a properly constructed dropped kerb
  • Return written confirmation that they will no longer cross the footpath

If neither of these options is taken we will take further action, which may include uninstalling the dropped kerb/ and charging the resident for the cost of doing so. Driving over a footpath without an authorised dropped kerb in place is in contravention of Section 16 of the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003.

How to stop people parking outside a dropped kerb

Parking across a dropped kerb is classed as an obstruction and Hounslow Council’s Parking Enforcement team is responsible for enforcing against vehicles that obstruct them. Vehicles parked adjacent to a dropped kerb may also be ticketed and possibly removed without notice.

To report the above, please either email or ring the team on 0208 583 5451/2.


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